Assemblage of contradictory entities that have to be composed together to find their place in the collective


Primary Content
Authoritative over original
Change replication
A propagation of versions
Comparable variations
Content conflict
Parallel authority

CopyMorph_Purpose Replication

Navigating the internet is parallel to learning to decypher a photograph. Its relation to the physical world needs to be decodified. One finds a multitude of physical references to conduct a feasible activity within its realm. This translation extends communication mediated through particular socio-political mechanisms, if one is not affluent in these forms of discourse interaction, the digital extension becomes stunted. This is true for all forms of media sensate yet digital processing much like printing before can serve to transcend these limitations, We must remember that cultural based mediation need not simply be displayed as curiosities but need to be scripted into the contemporary narrative. This is why so many digital representations mimic physical events or objects. To link and stabilize their validity as options to choose from. These option become customizable, impermanent cultural visitation. Internet mediation reflects a culture of tourism where an engagement without direct participation produces place through these customizable knowledge spaces.

Decypher Space

Internet display
Occular possession
A Culture


Functional metaphor mining is Experiential mining. Experimentation of the things which are diffuse around us. When combining this collage of inventory, there is a hope that their combination will frame meaning. Relics left in the wake of Postmodern thought, shuffle through new tools in search of their praxis. In a curiosity cabinet of display, ‘the whole is other than the sum of the parts’.


Expression as defacement is a political reinforcement of object. This contradictory position which desires to liberate expression from a sociopolitical ideology of object transaction, layers its objectification, not through Duchampian aesthetic neutrality framed through authorship idea and object function but through a desire of institutional originality upon pre-established idols. Initially ready-mades were presented anonymously and signed with an alias. The power of this initial expression through these very circumstances could only last as a brief altercation within the acceptance of institution while any such further proposals would be subjected to authorial identity.
This objective failure has yet to yield the institution to the praxis of a media sensate. The systems object value needs authorship. If anonymous aliases become tags, their power as expressive act heed to an institutional glorification and not an institutional upheaval becoming merely object vandalism. Though object vandalism is protest, it’s perpetuation is notoriety. A meta-notoriety function through erasure by appropriation.


Participants of an Art are structured by their institution. The justification of a quality therein is framed by that institution. However, works that are considered universal, become subject to adoption and are seen as the pinnacle of quality.
It is here where archetype and Art collide. This union may seem the apex of institutional justification, yet triggers which ‘buzz’ internal mechanisms are subjective to the cultural masks through which they are mediated. These filters render interpretation to a historical alteration which offer new facets within these explications according to their social function. As symbolism is assimilated and remoulded, such divisions within interpretations are separated not by decades but epochs. Shift in focus can alter the hierarchy of quality as the interpretation of archetypal containers become triggers for alternative identifiers.

Decline of Quality

Our fear of current technology is not from technology itself, which has been a characteristic of the genus homo since some believe prior to homo-habilis, but its ubiquitous infiltration of relational life. These fabrications have come to infuse our perception of reality and no longer be extensions of individual but fundamental to interpretation of self and environment. Considering the parity principle which expresses extension of mind through environment, self inglobes far more elements then corporal existence. What puzzles identity through technology is the self creation of a ‘synthetic’ extensor. These conditions of existential circumstance become over ruled by an idea of ‘natural’ purity as verity and a fear of technology’s dependence enforces this purity factor as accolade to aspire.
Previously it seems tools have had a dichotomy of being ‘detached’ from identity while being utilized for expressive forms. One could engage a hammer while its sphere of existence still lay outside of a self which implemented such tool. What stands out in contemporary technology is its all encapsulating functionality of interactive mediation. Self must mediate through it and this questions identity. Boundaries of individual no longer are seen through direct contact but a junction of mediation reflects a mimesis where activity bridges minds.
While the dilemma of this technology stems from the fact that it is seen, would self boundary be questioned as much if only technology’s abilities were present?

Mediation Mimesis

Contemporary works are inventions opposed to the unreal forms of representation

Unreal Inventions

Adages of terminology employ schisms which inhibit the melding of idea.
Some forms of media sensate which seem to be disconnected with the agenda of its established polity are embraced within its enclosures. What they share or come to share are identifiers of execution with shamanistic roots which manifest similar pursuits.
The divide of signifier spaces and objects whether real or virtual is a fallacy. Media sensate cannot be looked upon as type or kind but intent. These chasms are rudimentary errors seen throughout site specific and object archeology as well as between white cubes and digital media spaces. Culture is expressed within a multitude of frameworks, elitism does not enhance understanding or augment dialogue. The current lexicon must be adjourned and a Media Sensate discourse substitute the education and analyses of these sensate experiences.

Relation Division